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4 – Install new C-Map charts

Have you changed your navigation zone ? Would you like to update your C-Map charts ?

After having placed your order and received the DVD of your new charts, it is necessary to update the C-Map installation program.


C-Map regularly maintains their charts up to date, which makes the version number of their software evolving. It is thus necessary to change the chart loading program on your computer, the “NT/PC Selector”.

If the version number of your previous C-Map software is inferior (check the Release number on the CD/DVD), you need to uninstall “NT/PC Selector” in order to benefit from the last updates of your new chart.


This operation does not erase the charts already present on your computer.


The uninstall process is in three steps :

  1. Delete the C-Map NTPC Selector program with the Windows uninstall program tool in the control panel.
  2. Open the “work station” (XP, Vista) or the “computer” (Seven) and launch the search engine by typing CTRL and F keys at the same time. Search the file “NTPCselector.mdb” located in : C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\C-MAP NT PC Selector
  3. Erase it and restart your computer


Your computer is ready for the installation of your new chart :

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