
By interfaces integrated into Adrena

It is possible to access directly to GRIB.US forecasts (free data), Predictwind (free and charged data) or Navimail from Météo France (both free and charged data).



It provides worldwide forecasts in free download and gives immediate access to customizable worldwide forecasts data. On an easy-to-use interface, it is possible to download and consult forecasts data directly on your desktop anywhere in the world, whenever and wherever you want.

In an interactive way, GRIB.US gives you the possibility to extract your own weather forecast GRIB files in order to personalize and adapt them to your needs.


GRIB.US in direct download through ADRENA:

This function requires that GRIB.US program is installed on your PC. It is usually done during the installation. If it is not the case (grey menu), you can directly install the software from the GRIB.US website.




Navimail² from Meteo France

Navimail² from Meteo-France is a tool that allows the acquisition and the visualization of weather and ocean forecasts data (weather report, satellite images, forecasts files) for any sea in the world. This tool can be used with a simple Internet connection.


Free data:

(connection cost excluded)


  • Weather reports provided by Meteo-France (Offshore/Inshore in France and Dom-Tom, NAVTEX) or other weather services related to GMDSS,
  • Worldwide satellite images,
  • Currents and tidal data from Mercator Ocean (GRIB format). 


Charged data:

The other data coming from atmospheric or waves models sent in GRIB files format.


Two procedures allow the acquisition of GRIB data: the single request or the subscription to Navimail Easy. It is necessary to prepay the order with a subscription to the Pro Area by clicking here.


Navimail² in direct download from ADRENA:


This function requires that Navimail² program is already installed on your PC. The access to Navimail² gribs requires that you have made a subscription or a pre-payment to Meteo-France in a first place.





PredictWind uses its own weather model and produces the most accurate gribs in the world. These forecasts take into account the local sea breeze as well as geographical effects and are famous for their amazing precision.
PredicWind model uses two data sources – GFS (NOAA) and CMC (Canadian Meteorological Center) – in order to produce two alternative forecasts for comparison. Thus, the forecasts reliability is increased.


PredictwindFree forecasts data:

In a 100 km resolution available on the entire globe. Simply register here.







High-resolution forecasts with a subscription:Predictwind1

To download high-resolution Grib (1km and 8km), it is necessary to purchase a Professional subscription here. Subscription can be purchased on a daily, three-monthly or yearly basis.
There is no limitation of Grib files downloads.

Testimonials of top navigators using PredictWind are available here.



PredictWind in direct download via ADRENA:

The PredictWind download interface is integrated into Adrena. The access to PredictWind Gribs requires that you have already made a subscription or a pre-payment to PredictWind.

