Site icon Adrena software

Around the world

The ADRENA dongle!

It is on board of all the IMOCA entering the Vendee Globe and it is continuously used by all those confirmed sailors.

What is so essential for a round the world race in those 6g ?

Those 6g of technology are full of functions useful for :

The alarms warn of any modification of the data read through the instruments and the GPS or calculated by the software. When they are activated, they emit a visual and audio signal.An indispensable feature for offshore racing, they help keep the solo sailor safe while resting.There are 5 pre-set alarms, 2 of whom liked to safety : AIS, arrival on coast and hazardous area (set in the roabooks).

Thanks to the roadbooks, the sailor can point and put notes on particular areas on the chart (ice gates, search and rescue zones…).


This function enables to follow and analyse the competitors strategy: reception of the positions, information about the competitor (speed, heading…). It is also possible to launch routing calculation on one or several competitors.

True route prediction tool according to the boat’s speed polar and the weather forecast, it calculates the fastest route and offers incomparable tools to analyse the strategy. It is possible to analyse in-depth and to optimise the routes thanks to the tools offered: variable scanning, inverse isochrones, isoroutes…

This software is able to give the navigator data to follow and estimate their performance (% of target speed…).

Thanks to the Sailect, the skippers can anticipate a sail change. The routing table of legs include the Sailect and indicate the set of sail to wear, it enable to adjust the work planning for the next 24/48 hours.


With only extra 6g on board, the Vendee Globe skippers are equipped with a complete and powerful navigation software including many functions useful everyday.

The Vendee Globe, it is a one handed around the world race, with no assistance and no stop.

The event :

The set :

The route :

We will have to wait until end of January, beginning of February to know who’s going to succeed at Michel Desjoyeaux and if they are going to finish under the 80 days!

Fair winds and good sea to all of you and that the best wins!

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