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Discover Adrena and Octopus 2019 new features!

Always listening to its users, Adrena innovates every year to improve its navigation and performance analysis software offer. In 2019, Adrena and Octopus evolve! Discover our software new tools and features for improving accuracy and ergonomics.

First: Assistance for polar diagram creation and sails use charts (Sailect).

A navigator may not have his boat’s speed polars. Adrena has included in Version First Software an assistance to create polars of the boat as well as the sails use charts.

A correct polar diagram ensures a unique accuracy in routing calculation.

Octopus, First, Standard and Pro

CAPE index

A storm at sea or at anchorage is always a major cause of stress for a crew and can potentially be dangerous. For a more efficient navigation preparation and to improve security and serenity, Adrena integrates the CAPE Index in its solutions.

This index graphically displays atmospheric instability and thunderstorm potential intensity.

Grib files upload in a background job

You can now continue to use the software while GRIB files are being downloaded. Very useful if you are connected over a low bandwidth!

The download window goes in small mode on the left of your screen. When your download is complete, Adrena suggests you to save it.


Standard and Octopus: Possibility to reduce polar efficiency in specific areas

Adrena and Octopus allows to reduce polar efficiency in specific areas as for example in sargassum seaweed areas.

The software will take these slowdown zones into account during the routing calculation and reduce the polar efficiency.

Pro: GRIB Workshop

Every navigator using GRIB files knows they often lack precision. In the new Adrena Pro Version, the GRIB workshop allows you to modify the speed and direction in time and in a geographic area but also to shift a climatic event.

You will be able to share those created or re-worked files with other Adrena and Octopus users. For example, an onshore based router may send them to his yachtsman partner or offshore racer.

Octopus: Navigation analysis tool

Relive your navigation in one click! In Octopus, you can ask for your navigation analysis and see, for example, how long you sailed upwind or downwind, the engine operating time or your average speed. On the map, you can also measure the covered distance between 2 points of the track.

… And much more we will be pleased to make you discover at Nautic Boat Show in Paris.

See Adrena V16 new features table

See Octopus 2019 new features list

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