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Raster versus Vectorial

The official electronic marine charts can only be produced by or under the authority of a government, a certified hydrographic service or any other government institution, the only ones to warranty the quality and the integrity of the data, with an origin authentification, and to insure a regular update. All the other charts types are not official and are called private electronic charts.

The raster and vector charts compatible with the Adrena software come from two private editors : C-Map for the vector charts and Maptech for the raster. The Adrena software are also compatible with the BSB raster charts coming from NOAA and they are delivered with a free worldwide coastline (displayed on C-Map or SHOM data).

Reminder of the regulation :

« The SOLAS Convention includes a requirement for all ships to carry to up to date nautical charts and publications for the intended voyage. This carriage requirement may be satis­fied fully or partly by electronic means. »

Raster charts

The raster chart is a pixelated image done by a numeric scan of a paper chart and then geo referenced. It is the electronic version of a paper chart, a very elaborated “copy” !

Bellow a non-exhaustive raster charts editors list:



Advantage :


Inconvenient :


Vector charts

The verctor chart is an individual numeric description of each objet coming from a paper chart and of the links between those objects. A vector chart is organized with layers, so it is easy to only display the wanted information ( hide the lights if sailing during the day, hide the depth when sailing offshore,…).

Below a non-exhaustive list of vector charts editors :


Advantage :


Inconvenient :


The choice of the kind of chart to embark on board stays really personal, it depends of the use and of the habits of everyone, so raster or vector, it is your turn to choose !

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