Restore your data easily and store them in a safe place…
Every year, in December, Adrena provides a new version of the navigation software. At the end of 2015, Version 13 brought a batch of innovations and new functionalities.
Among them, the backup tool gives the possibility to export files and settings of the software in order to save and restore them on another PC.
In practice, the backup tool saves a file in a particular format (.adrz) on the support of your choice (USB stick, backup disk, etc.).
It is possible to select the totality or only some elements to be saved. For example, the backup of CMap charts can be made by selecting ‘CMap charts’ option in the ‘File’ category:
Thus, all of your CMap charts and codes will be saved and it will be possible to restore them on another computer at any time.
To restore your backup, go to Settings menu ? Restore Settings.
It is then possible to choose the elements to be restored: the totality or only some of them.
In the above example, the ‘Files’ section of this backup includes CMap charts. It is possible to restore them without selecting the settings of other sections. Thus, the CMap charts are the only elements to be restored. They will be copied and activated on the PC without using any other software.
Backup PC and data exchange
The backup tool gives the possibility to copy easily Adrena data from a PC to another and thus to create a backup PC strictly identical. It gives also the possibility to exchange data between navigators or members of a same team.