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Preparing a voyage is never a simple affair. The right marine charts must be found, the points of passage must be determined, the course traced and headings calculated, variation and tides taken into account. In normal circumstances, the calculator is already beginning to overheat, and the main points have yet to be recorded in a notebook which will almost certainly become soaked and illegible. Once again Adrena has the solution for simplifying navigation as much as possible, so that pleasure can take over.
Adrena software is very easy to use for navigation whether racing or simply cruising. Its flexible system of cartography, which makes few hardware demands, means you can mark your points of passage and personalise them at will. The day's navigation is prepared in a few mouse clicks while comfortably sitting at home. All that remains is to connect the computer to the navigational instruments computer to have all the navigational calculations, already made, on board.
If you want to go further you only have to link Adrena to a free download of a GRIB file to generate a route plan letting you view the ideal path to take to arrive at your desired destination (a creek for a swim or to cross the finish line as winner). This doesn't prevent the sea being paved with good intentions and doubtless many reefs and difficult passages being on the route. What can be done so that you set off without worries and fully enjoy your voyage rather than remain concentrated on your competitors' progress? Adrena has solved the problem by including a RoadBook in Adrena 6.
In this navigational example we shall take a trip through the Channel Islands starting from the port of Le Harve. The final destination is Bréhat. This is a challenging trip as Barfleur must be rounded, then the Pointe de la Hague with the famous Alderney Race, then you have to choose a route between Jersey and Guernsey to finally make landfall at Bréhat, where the currents and rocks may cause havoc if you are not in phase with the tide. The first thing will be to trace your passage via the "WP and Course" menu then "Rapid course creation". On the fly, we mark four waypoints with the mouse, the first on leaving Le Havre, the second at Barfleur, the third at Cap de la Hague and finally the last at Bréhat. We will call this route Le Havre – Bréhat, to be able to find it quickly in our list. We will not dwell here on the method for creating a course: this will be covered under other technical topics. You can view your course simply via "WP and Course" then "Managing courses". Select your newly created course then click on "Activate". Once the course has been created we will add notes to it to prepare our voyage.
"With the GPS you could think you would never be lost; now the Adrena RoadBook puts life into your navigation."
For example we will immediately mark the merchant vessel traffic separation lanes in the Channel to distinguish the area where we do not want to sail by day, and even less by night.
Click in the RoadBook toolbar on "Create". A window opens in which we can enter the RoadBook name, "Channel Lanes" in our case. We can then draw one or more areas of the desired shape to which comments can be added.
We will draw a rectangle located on the Channel lanes zone. A single click inserts the first point of our area, and each additional click adds a point marking the area. A double click confirms the area which only remains to be defined with appropriate colours. Once this area has been created it is also possible to create warnings for when we arrive in the area when sailing, or even to exclude this area from a route plan simulation.
We should add a current reminder area for the Alderney Race, as currents can be very strong there. We must pass through the Alderney Race in the North/South direction between HW -2 and HW + 3.We will therefore create an area called the Alderney Race which will remind us of this sailing requirement. This point of passage will be crucial for the rest of our trip. This time we will use the tool for drawing a closed curve to be able to follow the shape of the coast, without making them invisible, which would be a hindrance to navigating. In addition the opacity of the area can be reduced so as to see everything better.
The navigational plan is thus simply prepared. We just have to create and edit each point of passage that we want to include in our RoadBook. Areas can thus be created with reminders, geological phenomena, such as a venturi effect due to a point, can be highlighted, or a reversal of current accentuated by a gulf emptying, or a point with outcrops which has to be negotiated with care etc.
The navigational plan is now finished and all that remains to be done is to print the route calculated with the winds that have been given by default. What is more, it can easily be printed in sections or as the whole route, to have the useful information with you at the helm so that you can take full advantage of the voyage without having to go down every few minutes to check your trace and navigational plan on Adrena, on the laptop computer brought on board before leaving.
AdrenaPro software is a navigation software. OptimaPro is for data recording and performance analysis.
A basic desk PC is enough if it is placed in dry clean area and if it has the configuration below. You can add a specific screen designed for outside use.
Specific computers for marine environement use are also available. You can easily find them at our retailers. Here.
Configuration required :
- Supported operating systems Windows 7 or higher.
- Screen 1280X1024 minimum.
- NMEA 0183 connection via port COM or UDP
- Dedicated USB slot for the dongle
- Dedicated graphic memory : 256 Mo min
- CPU 1.5GHz multi core
- RAM 8GB minimum 16GB recommended
- Hard Disk 2GB to 4GB of free memory
Some training can be organised for one or several users. Please do not hesitate to contact us or directly the trainers you will find here.
The main difference concern the advanced functions you find in AdrenaPro, aimed for confirmed users.
Adrena provides all the navigation functions as well for coastal racing as for windward/leeward loops. You will be able to display Grib files, numeric or graphic data. The track replay function is available as well as the competitor follow up. Please note that this last function is available for free on the demo version. You can also find the alarms and the calibration function and also the screen capture, the roadbooks and the track coloration.
To use AdrenaPro, first of all you should have Adrena.
AdrenaPro is going to include the transition phases during prestart, to provide more data displayed around the cartography, to set in a more realistic way the prestart area. That is to say, it is a module designed for pure competitor around three buoys or racing coastal races.
To upgrade your software into another range – Adrena Standard or Adrena Pro – you don't have to buy an entire software again. To ask for an update, simply contact your Adrena reseller or Adrena team to get the corresponding fare. The price takes into account the version and modules that you already have. After your order, you will receive an email with a file to reprogram your software.
It is a version that cannot be connected to any instruments. You can load tracks, use the replay but you cannot use it while sailing.
The desk version has the same limitations than the OFF version with the particularity to be attached to a classic licence. It means that the updates should be all done at the same time. In the OFF version, the licence is completely independent.
OFF & Desk Versions are not available in the First range.
The tracks are recorded in a file named by default “date”_a, if you cretae a new track, the software is going to create a file by default “date”_b, ect…(but you can rename it).
Automatically, at midnight, a new file is created to stay with resonable file sizes.
File size (with no external variables (XDR, Deckman)) :
- Samples of 1s : 1.6Mo by day (144Mo in 3 months)
- Samples of 5s : 5 time less, that is to say 320Ko/day (28Mo in 3 months)
We are often asked for computing and electronic advices on Adrena. Soft on board environment explanation.
What are the PC solutions for ADRENA software
First of all, it is important your PC has the configuration required by the software :
- Supported operating systems Windows VISTA, Seven, 8 (except RT) or 10.
- Screen 1024X768 minimum.
- NMEA 0183 connection via port COM or UDP
- Dedicated USB slot for the dongle
- CD reader for software installation
- DVD reader for C-Map charts installation
- Dedicated graphic memory : 256 Mo min
OptimaPro :
- CPU 1.5GHz
- Hard Disk 2GB of free memory
First Range :
- CPU 1.5GHz
- Hard Disk 2 GB of free memory
Standard Range :
- CPU 2GHz
- Hard Disk 2.5 GB of free memory
Pro Range :
- CPU 2GHz
- Hard Disk 4GB of free memory
You can use a basic desk laptop (if it is placed in a dry clean area) up to specific computers for marine environment use (especially for offshore racing or wet boats). According to the configurations required by ADRENA’s software, the netbooks, which are increasingly common, can be used as well. You can also get a suitable solution for PC tablets with tactile screens. Netbooks and PC tablets are also useful as they can be easily moved in the cabin. (i.e paragraph below for outside solutions).
Please do not hesitate to contact our retailers for any further information.
How Adrena software get the information from the navigation instruments and GPS ?
You need navigation instruments with NMEA interface in order to connect Adrena with your on-board instruments. Then, you have to install a RS232 connection from the exit of the navigation instruments to the PC, thanks to a RS232 output. If you don’t have a RS232 input on your computer, you can use basic or multiple converters to switch from RS232 to USB port.
Likewise, if you have several NMEA sources, you can use a multiplexer. It will bring together the NMEA sources from various navigation instruments in just one flow. This flow of information will be transmitted to your PC thanks to a RS232 output or USB port. The multiplexer can be connected to maximum 4 instruments. Please find below more information on connection diagrams : http://www.nauticom.fr/store/files/doc/Schema-connexion-multiplexeur-nmea.pdf
How to get Adrena software’s data on deckt?
It can be very useful to have an easy access to Adrena software’sdata on the deck, during starts or races for instance. Otherwise you need to have someone stay inside or regularly go down and check data during tactic moments. To avoid this uncomfortable situation, you have several solutions, depending of the money you can spend on it, and also the equipment you already have.If you have a gyrophraphic billboard NKE or a Tacktick Micronet, you can display a part of the software’s information directly on your instruments thanks to Adrena module of information feedback.If you don’t have that kind of equipment, you can choose whether waterproof on-deck screens (remote display) (wired or not), whether an office screen in a waterproof cover, hung in the way-down, which can be an intermediary and economical solution. The last solutions are the netbooks and the PC tablets. But you have to be careful about waterproofness and quality issues in order to make information open to each member of the crew. For the outside, don’t forget to pay attention to two very important issues: waterproofness and luminosity.Other solutions might be possible according to your own situation, your specific needs, your equipment and your boat. Please don’t hesitate to contact our retailers to learn more about it and find the best solution for you.
Check if your dongle is correctly plugged in a USB port of your PC and powered (red or green light on).
If your dongle is plugged in a hub (multi USB port adaptor) or in a USB extension, unplug it and try to connect it directly on a USB port of the PC. Launch Adrena again by clicking on “restart” button.
If it still doesn’t work, launch Adrena in “demo” mode by clicking on the corresponding button. Use menu “Tools > Reinstall the dongle’s drivers”.
Follow the dongle reinstallation procedure as indicated on your screen. Unplug your dongle, wait during the reinstallation and when you are asked to, plug it again. Close Adrena and restart your PC.
If the problem persists, please contact the technical support : [email protected].
With the launch of Windows 8 in 2012, more and more tablets and hybrid PC with touch screen appeared. Thanks to this operating system, it is possible to install Adrena directly on the tablet without the use of duplicated screen.
Use on Windows tablets
All ADRENA navigation software can be installed on touch tablets running under Windows 8 (except RT), seven or 10. Since Version 10, a ‘tablet’ mode has improved user-friendliness and ergonomics of the software.
Example : Samsung Ativ Smart PC
And with an iPad or Android ?
Adrena cannot be directly installed on this type of tablets, however their use is frequent in navigation as duplicated screen.
In the same way as CPU repeaters, an iPad or Android tablet can reproduce from the cockpit the screen of the PC let on the chart table on which Adrena is running. Directly linked via WiFi, the PC and the tablet communicate thanks to an application like Splashtop or VNC. Watch the video explaining how it works.
By default, the laylines calculation integrates the immediate currents data mesured by the instruments (ground/surface difference).
The do not anticipate the current evolution and integrate the leeway (usually insignifiant in front of the current).
If you have the current atlas, you can force the current atlas calculation (for the laylines) with a continuous calculation regarding the tide and the boat’s position (Adrena Standard & Pro software). Refer to Settings>General settings>Data to be calculated.
It is also possible to force manually the current. Toolbar>forcing data.
There are available in Standard & Pro Ranges.
The sensors calibration (windvane angle, speedo, compass offset) is available in all ADRENA navigation software.
The alarms can be set in adrena standard software.
To set an alarm on time, choose the data “UTC time” (in the folder miscellaneous) then choose the condition “more than” and write the wished time. The alarm will set off every day at the specified time. Of course, you can set several alarms on the same principle (one for each vacation as an example).
You can also set off an alarm at regular intervals: choose data ‘UTC times” then choose condition “vary more than” and enter the wished time (20min as an example). The alarm will set off every 20min (until you inactivate it).
Adrena’s screen is configurable.
If only use Optima, go to menu View and validate “define default settings”
Regarding Adrena, the display can be set for each phase of the race or navigation. This functions is located in the menu >Settings>Course phase settings.
This function is available in Pro Range. It allows to group together tracks data, sailect, abaccus, configuration, tables of waves (AdrenaPro Offshore), tables of rotation for a boat in particular.
After having created and defined all of your registered boats, it is easy to switch from one to another (menu tools -> boats -> change boat).
Please note that you can also display in the same time sailect, abaccus, tracks coming from different boats – very useful to compare data or to run multi replay.
Your data won’t be lost. Indeed, Optima is recording the data systematically since they come from GPS or from the instruments. The tape is only used to specify, when recording, that data are useful for a polar calculation.
If you have forgotten to tick the tape, you can correct the recordings:
- go to menu “Tracks -> correct recordings” (Adrena) or “Tools -> correct recordings” (Optima).
- select the timetable to correct.
- pick “Force ‘under sail’ mode"
- click on “Run”
If you have forgotten to tick the tape after the navigation, you can use the same procedure by specifying “Force ‘engine powered’ mode”.
On a departure, it is essential to force the win, otherwise, it keeps turning around (competitors, boat movements).
If timing data are still changing, it might come from the current calculation.
Then it is recommended to force it or to choose to take it from the current atlas (“settings” -> “general settings” -> “data to be calculated”).
Sailect, abacus, polars:
In Optima you can define a reference polar.
In the window “load a calcul”, tick, “replace missing data by reference polar” in order to complete your calculations.
This polar can be loaded in the Optima menu directly.
The table has to be created as following:
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
------ |
------ |
------ |
40 |
45 |
60 |
75 |
------ |
------ |
------ |
The table has to begin on the first line, first column of the first sheet of your Excel file.
Save your file as text form (separator: tabulation) (*.txt)
Open your Windows explorator and select this created file. Rename the file by changing the extension .txt by .pol
Then, you can load the polar in Adrena.
The table has to be created as follows:
2 |
4 |
6 |
8 |
10 |
--- |
--- |
40 |
Light |
Light |
Light |
Light |
Médium |
50 |
Light |
Light |
Light |
Light |
Médium |
60 |
Léger |
Light |
Light |
Light |
Médium |
70 |
Code 0 |
Code 0 |
Code 0 |
Light |
Médium |
80 |
Code 0 |
Code 0 |
Code 0 |
Code 0 |
Médium |
--- |
--- |
The line and column’s headings can be switched if you modify the first square in TWS/TWA.
Select the exact area in the table and copy it in the paper-press. (Ctrl-C or Edit->Copy).
Go to Optima menu -> Sailect-> Import a table.
The Sailect creation window will open as many times as you have sails or different configurations in your table.
They are created in segment and you can draw them again in polygon form.
An abacus is the value of a continuum variable according to the couple TWS/TWA.This could concern the value from a captor, from the heell, or from the obvious wind.The abacuses give target values of setting. They are represented by a succession of curves, differentiated by the putting step of this value. The difference between Sailect and Abacuses is that the Sailects represent a distinct element of the boat configuration. The abacuses and the Sailects can be overlayed in creation mode or during display.
In regatta or for routing simulation, it is necessary to have precise polars. The role of Optima software integrated to all of our ranges is to use data collected during the navigation in order to define a performance curve.
During navigations, Adrena records data coming from on-board instruments (position, speed, wind, etc…) and collect them in tracks form.
In order to be readable, these tracks need to correspond to periods of sailing navigation by excluding phases with the engine. To do so, there are two solutions :.
- When you are navigating, as soon as the engine is off and the sails out, all you need to do is to click on the button in order to indicate to Adrena that registered data from this moment are readable. At the end of the navigation, before the engine is powered, click on the button again in order to indicate the end of the sailing navigation period.
- If you did not have time or if you forgot to click on the recording button, it is possible to go back to the recorded track in order to indicate the periods of sailing navigation.
To do so, use the function “correct recordings” that can be found in the Optima menu :
First, choose one or several tracks to be analyzed.
To select several tracks at the same time, maintain the Ctrl key while clicking on the tracks.
Select the time slot that you want to change (date and time of the beginning and the end of the sailing navigation) and the type of correction that you want to do :
- "Force the "under sail" mode : indicates that the boat was using the sails during the selected time slot and that corresponding data are to be integrated in polars calculation.
- "Force the "engine powered" mode : indicates that the boat was using the engine during the selected time slot and that corresponding data are not to be integrated in polars calculation.
- "Delete the “preferred” settings" : delete all preferred settings entered during the specified time slot. Be careful, this action is irreversible.
- Force "calm sea", "choppy" or "rough sea" : indicates the state of the sea during the selected period.
Once these choices are made, start the operation thanks to the "launch" button. The software analyzes the whole data and makes the corresponding corrections.
The corrected tracks now contain markers that permit Optima to use the correct tracks portions for polar calculation.
Cartography and connections:
Adrena recognize C-Map charts which are already unlocked on the PC. These charts must be unlocked by a chart license code. This one can be linked to the Adrena dongle or to an other software’s dongle. In both of case, the dongle to which charts are linked has to be plugged in the PC.
The GPS can be read through the NMEA output of the instruments or thanks to an independent connexion. The second solution requires an additional COM port but it offers two advantages:
- The positions arrive directly and fast in the software as you do not have to go through the NMEA bus. Quite interesting for all transition phases and time calculation (departure).
- You can get direct communication between Adrena and your GPS, especially to transfer waypoints or routes.
All new data can be read by Adrena if it is available in a NMEA XDR sentence. To do that, go to menu Settings->General Settings-> generic data. Run the NMEA sentence reading and the software is going to detect XDR sentences. Then, you can complete them in the tool (unity, decimal numbers…). So first thing to do is to extract the new captor data a XDR NMEA sentence.
If you use “Deckman for windows” software, it is also possible to read all of the available data in this software.
Have you changed your navigation zone ? Would you like to update your C-Map charts ?
After having placed your order and received the DVD of your new charts, it is necessary to update the C-Map installation program.
C-Map regularly maintains their charts up to date, which makes the version number of their software evolving. It is thus necessary to change the chart loading program on your computer, the “NT/PC Selector”.
If the version number of your previous C-Map software is inferior (check the Release number on the CD/DVD), you need to uninstall “NT/PC Selector” in order to benefit from the last updates of your new chart.
This operation does not erase the charts already present on your computer.
The uninstall process is in three steps :
- Delete the C-Map NTPC Selector program with the Windows uninstall program tool in the control panel.
- Open the “work station” (XP, Vista) or the “computer” (Seven) and launch the search engine by typing CTRL and F keys at the same time. Search the file “NTPCselector.mdb” located in : C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\C-MAP NT PC Selector
- Erase it and restart your computer
Your computer is ready for the installation of your new chart :
- Introduce the new DVD and install the new NT/PC selector
- Follow the usual procedure to record a new chart (cf. installation manual provided with Adrena DVD box).
- In Adrena menu, go to : Charts > Raster Tools > SnMap Licence > Download charts
- Then follow the instructions on the installation manual sent when purchasing a chart in order to integrate the new charts files into Adrena
SnMap charts are updated once to twice a year.
Updates are free one year after the date of purchase, and half price after (41,25 € excl. VAT per area).
Find the complete SnMap charts coverage and more information here.
Yes, the speed polar calculation tool is integrated in all Adrena software ranges. Then it is possible to calculate an accurate polar diagram even with AdrenaFirst range. Besides, in addition to navigation functions, AdrenaFirst Offshore software offers a unique and efficient routing function. It calculates the best route avoiding the coasts based on the following settings: date and place of departure, destination, boat's speed polar diagrams and weather forecasts (GRIB).
You can supplement your AdrenaFirst software with more possibilities:
- RoutingFirst module: calculation of the best route – speed and/or safety – according to the weather forecasts
- SHOM (French Coasts), Proudman (British Islands) and Winning Tides (Solent) currents
- Vectorial charts (CMap MAX) or raster charts (SnMap)
Yes, there is an interlink between both software. At the time you need more functions in your software, you don’t have to buy an entire software again. You only upgrade your AdrenaFirst software into Adrena Standard. To ask for an update, simply contact your Adrena reseller or Adrena team to get the corresponding fare. It is also possible to upgrade your Adrena Standard software into AdrenaPro the same way.
Do not hesitate to refer to the software manuals
It is available:
- - In your software > Main menu > Help
- - On your desktop
technical support contact
Our technical support is available by email at [email protected]